Hello! Wow it has been forever and a day since I’ve been on here. I know it looks like this is the first post ever on creativekristi.com but that is far from the truth.
Long story short in 2015 I was hacked. Twice. They inserted malicious code and also changed almost all my links to go to spam sites. Hundreds of dollars later (after the first time) it happened again and I decided to switch hosts (they were getting in through my hosting site, not because they guessed my password here) and then I just got burnt out with all the effort.
I took some time to just have fun with my kids and focus on homeschooling and just relax.
It was needed and the longer I went without being on here the better it was.
Thanks to my hackers I have zero content from before because who really wants to comb through 5 years of weekly or biweekly posts in HTML and look for tiny little hacks they put in? Not me and I don’t want to pay someone to do it either.
So clean slate it is!
How much of a clean slate?
Well for starters we moved out of our house.
My husband went through his third deployment as well.
Then we moved again to Alabama.
Then we moved BACK to Maine.
Then I died. Technically. I had a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) on March 5, 2022. It was at home and my husband saved my life by performing CPR until the ambulance got here. I don’t remember about 2 weeks of my life, I now have an S-ICD defibrillator installed and life has drastically changed for me.
Life happens when you’re not watching 😉
About 6 months ago I started to get all these ideas just popping into my head and they wouldn’t leave. Things I wanted to make or do or say. That’s when I knew it was time to come back.
I don’t know if I’ll go back to posting crafty things I do or if I’ll just be chatty but everything feels new and shiny and wonderful here. While I can’t say “here’s some other things you might enjoy” just yet (because there is nothing on the site yet) I do hope you’ll stick around and see what’s to come!